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Virtual Classroom Information

Please click the link to access the codes for our digital classrooms.

 Curriculum Resources 



Additional Math Resources

Social Studies

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English Language Arts 

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Math Teacher
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New York Schools


Login to support and track your children's progress through public school education at the NYC Department of Education.

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Family Income Form

Help our school receive funding for programs by completing this form. 

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Digital Books

Free digital reading books for our children. 

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TeachHub is a portal to support students and teachers. The portal provides quick links to essential applications for remote learning.

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The Family Handbook provides important information about our school. 

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Learn more about the technical support the DOE offers 

The Discipline Code covers infractions and the range of possible disciplinary and other responses for grades K-5 and grades 6-12, including how students/families can appeal decisions. It also includes the Student’s Bill of Rights and Responsibilities. The guide is available in all nine covered languages. Download the most recent version of the Discipline Code along with the Chancellor's letter to parents and Behavioral Contracts for students.


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Phones are not to be used during school. Every student is assigned a personal Yondr Pouch. While the Yondr Pouch is considered school property, it is each student’s responsibility to bring their Pouch with them to school every day and keep it in good working condition. 




As students Arrive to School, they will: 

  1. Turn their phone off.

  2. Place their phone inside their Pouch and secure it in front of school staff.

  3. Store their Pouch in their backpack for the day.


At the end of the day, students will open their Pouch, remove their phone and put their Pouch in their backpack. Students must bring their Pouch to school with them each day.  


*Students arriving late or leaving early will pouch/unpouch their phones in the Main Office or with the Guidance Counselor.  




Pouch Damage / Lost Pouch / Using Phone During School 

  • If a student damages their Pouch or is caught on their phone, Administration will collect the phone/Pouch and call home for a 


  • Parent Pickup AND/OR [consequence based on the NYC Disciplinary Code Book] AND/OR $20 fee for a replacement Pouch.


Examples of damage:


  • Deep scratches on the globe and on the green ring around it 

  • Intentional pen marks on the inside of the Pouch

  • Bent pins

  • Pin and button not fully recessing, due to pin damage

Forgotten Pouch

If a student forgets their Pouch, their phone will be collected and a school staff will call home to remind the Parent of the policy. The phone will be returned to the student at dismissal. 


If a student consistently forgets their Pouch, it is considered Lost. Refer to the Lost Pouch policy above.

"A child's first and most influential teacher is the parent." 

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